BREASTSCREEN SA’s mobile screening unit will make its way to Millicent next month to provide free screening mammograms (breast X-rays) for more than 1000 local women.
It will be located at the Millicent War Memorial Civic and Arts Centre car park, Ridge Terrace.
The unit provides an accessible, non-threatening and comfortable environment with expertly trained and experienced staff.
Testing is expected to finish in mid-May.
The van visits Millicent every two years and the firm dates for 2020 yet to be decided.
It is a free government service which has been operating for over 30 years.
BreastScreen SA provides more than 90,000 free screening mammograms each year to South Australian women primarily aged 50 to 74, with the aim of diagnosing breast cancer at an early stage, before it can be felt.
With around 1 in 10 South Australian women developing breast cancer before the age of 75, early detection can maximise the options for simpler treatments and more successful outcomes.