UNIVERSITY of South Australia Mount Gambier campus education student Georgina Gogel completed a field trip to the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands recently.
Ms Gogel was selected as one of 17 UniSA students selected to spend two weeks in the lands late last year.
Ms Gogel said she was grateful for the opportunity and was able to learn a few words of Pitjantjatjara while gaining a greater appreciation of the Anangu culture along the way.
“I felt very lucky to have numerous conversations with members of the Kenmore Park community,” she said.
“I was able to develop my knowledge and understanding of the Anangu language and culture as well as listen to various Dreamtime stories.
“The trip was an experience I will cherish and never forget.”
Ms Gogel said the visit was something she would recommend to anyone who is interested in teaching in the lands or was wanting to explore opportunities available.
“Many relationships and memories were created during this field trip,” she said.
“I hope in the future I am able to make an impact in students’ lives as this experience has for me.”
UniSA regional manager Ian McKay congratulated Ms Gogel on accepting the challenge of applying for the lands experience and her willingness to fully immerse herself in the opportunity.
“It is pleasing that our local Mount Gambier students have comparable opportunities to students studying at metropolitan campuses,” Mr McKay said.
“They have the benefits of studying in our local community, but also are able to have access to professional experiences which will take them far in future careers.”