THE Millicent Girl Guides are among a number of callers to Boneham Aged Care Services who are sharing the festive spirit with residents.
For the past five years, the Millicent Girl Guides have presented a mini-concert at the Williams Road facility with the 2019 cohort consisting of 11 girls and four leaders.
Among the favoured songs was the Aussie 12 Days of Christmas.
Each resident was presented with two gifts made by the Girl Guides comprising a pin cushion and home-baked biscuits.
Resident Roselea Matheson was among the appreciative recipients of the gifts.
“I loved everything about the concert and the Girl Guides were absolutely magnificent,” Ms Matheson said.
“They were well behaved and polite in every way.”
Meanwhile, the Millicent Rotary Club is about to stage its yearly party for residents which dates back to the 1970s.
Others to provide entertainment this month are musical duo Joan Morgan and Mary Bawden who will present a concert in La Fromelles Café.