DIVERS from far and wide will converge on the Limestone Coast this week for a special opportunity to dive with joint Australian of the Year Dr Richard Harris – widely known as Dr Harry – which will raise money for the KIDS Foundation.
Dr Harry works in anaesthesia and aeromedical retrieval medicine in Adelaide, but also has expertise in diving, wilderness and remote area health.
His diving expertise was called into action in 2018, when his assistance was required in the well-publicised Thailand cave rescue.
He will share his story at a special dinner on Friday night before hosting a guided tour of two of his favourite dive spots in the Limestone Coast.
“I’m really excited about this because we’re going to take people who love the KIDS Foundation to Mount Gambier,” he said.
“We take them to two of my favourite spots and for those who are qualified, a diving experience in some of the freshwater ponds and sink holes of the South East.”
While Dr Harry is best known for his bravery and courage he displayed diving overseas, it is right here in the South East where his passion for the underwater activity originated.
“These places represent my origins in cave diving, it’s where I started to dive in the 80s, in caves and freshwater,” he said.
“They are just beautiful, crystal-clear water, aquatic plants and lots of fish everywhere.”
It will be an exclusive experience for 20 scuba divers and snorkelers who will explore the depths of Ewens Ponds and Kilsby Sinkhole alongside one of the country’s most famous divers.
“I’m going to give them a personal tour of my playground,” Dr Harry said.
The incredible opportunity will raise money for the KIDS Foundation that has been operating for 26 years to educate and empower children to prevent and recover from injuries.
“We have a strong emphasis on kids being kids and this is what drew Dr Harry to come on board as an Ambassador,” KIDS Foundation chief executive officer Susie O’Neill said.
“We’re thrilled to be offering this weekend with Dr Harry.
“Diving is a unique experience that puts many people out of their comfort zone, much like when children are recovering from a serious injury.”
The KIDS foundation injury recovery programs support children and young people who are living with life-changing injuries caused by burns, accidents, dog attacks, crime, neglect and abuse.
“For children to build a strong sense of identity and well being, we want parents and caregivers to throw away the bubble-wrap and cotton wool attitude and get out and explore the world with their kids so they can find their own safe world,” Ms O’Neill said.
Tickets to Friday night’s dinner with Dr Harry at The Barn are available at drrichardharrisoamdinner.eventbrite.com.au for $120 while diving packages start at $1500 per person.