A MATURE young man who has successfully balanced a leading role in the Australian Air Force Cadets 612 Squadron with volunteering, school and casual employment has recently been awarded for his efforts.
Mount Gambier residents Breydon Verryt-Reid and Faith Monger were co-recipients of the Alan Sloan Young Citizen Community Service award last month’s Service Clubs Association of South Australia – Community Service awards.
Nominated by the Gambier City Lions Club, Mr Verryt-Reid, 17, said he volunteers his time to organisations a lot of people his age may not consider.
“This year in particular, I have been kept busy doing things outside of the school environment,” he said.
“I have been able to interact with the community and have met a lot of different people which I think has branched out a lot of connections for myself.”
Mr Verryt-Reid has been involved with the Australian Air Force Cadets 612 Squadron for the past three years and the Lions youth of the year program this year.
Along with his volunteer roles, Mr Verryt-Reid umpires football and was recognised as the best year first umpire.
As well as his voluntary efforts, Mr Verryt-Reid is also employed at Kmart.
“I think it all began with my participation with the cadets,” he said.
“I have risen through the ranks and now hold the rank of Cadet Sergeant and the role of Cadet Executive Officer at my squadron.”
With a big focus on personal development in the cadets, Mr Verryt-Reid said he had built on many qualities to prepare him up for the future.
“Qualities including confidence, personal leadership and citizenship were further developed through the Youth of the Year program where I ended up as a state finalist this year,” he said.
Among his achievements, Mr Verryt-Reid was one of five cadets to travel to Amiens, France as an ambassador for the Australian Air Force Cadets at the Battle of Amiens 100th Centenary in 2018.
He was also one of 25 cadets selected for this year’s International Air Cadet Exchange and will be one of three cadets to travel to the Netherlands.
Mr Verryt-Reid has also been awarded the Anthony Casadio Award for best cadet overall two years in a row and was runner-up DUX in his sergeant’s course.
After finishing his schooling at Tenison Woods College, Mr Verryt-Reid said he hoped to enter the Royal Australian Air Force as either a pilot or intelligence officer.
He hopes to study a Bachelor of Information Technology and Cybersecurity through the Australian Defence Force Academy in Canberra.
“I am hoping some of the skills and qualities I have developed have stood me in good stead through the past three years and will see me a position at the Australian Defence Force Academy next year,” he said.
“The passion I have developed for the air force is a testament to the good work Mount Gambier’s squadron.
“I absolutely love being involved and the friends I have developed at not just friends from across the state but at also interstate and from around the world.”