RAINBOW clouds took over the skies above Greenrise Recreational Reserve on Sunday as the Pink Up Penola Colour Run was held in support of its month-long fundraising campaign for the McGrath Foundation.
While each participant started the run with white sportswear, there was little white to be seen once the event was over with runners being showered with colour during the breast cancer fundraiser.
More than 260 participants made their way around the course while tackling obstacles and being bombarded with colour.
The event started with a “colour explosion” before participants wound their way around the two or four-kilometre options, which included obstacles such as a tyre hop, crawl net and pallet bridge.
Pink Up Penola committee member Dee O’Brien said the enthusiasm of participants was a highlight.
“It was great to see so many people continue on to do a second or even third lap of the 2km course,” she said.
“This gave them a chance to make the most of all the colour stations and obstacles around the well-prepared track.”
With five colour zones, each time runners went past they were powdered excessively with different colours, with many crossing the finish line covered head to toe.
Each participant received a certificate and ribbon at the finish.
With a few formalities during the day, Penola and District Community Bank representative Mark Edwards presented a cheque for $1000 to committee member Angela Winter to go towards the Pink Up Penola fundraiser.
Prizes were then awarded for best dressed and best colour coverage on a child and adult.
All participants were also entered into a draw to win prizes with tickets being selected by breast care nurse Margie Atwell.
Ms Winter hailed the event a success.
“It was a fun way to support the McGrath Foundation and spread the breast cancer awareness message at a great community space,” she said.
“We would really like to thank all those that helped on the day especially Bendigo Bank and Penola IGA Fresh for their contributions towards the colour powder.”
As Breast Cancer Awareness Month wraps up tomorrow, so does Pink Up Penola, but the committee still has
items available in its silent auction.
Visit Pink Up Penola Auction 2019 on Facebook to place a bid.
Bidding closes tonight at midnight.