ELITE Adelaide-based STAR Force officers supported Limestone Coast police with a property search and the arrest of a man at a house near Millicent High School yesterday morning.
Numerous patrol and unmarked police vehicles were at the Mount Burr Road dwelling for the tasking, which culminated when a 34-year-old man was taken into custody.
Police searched the premises and made enquiries about the man who is alleged to have breached his bail conditions.
Officers set up a command post led by a commissioned officer at the property and arrested the man wanted on outstanding warrants at 7.15am.
He has no fixed address and his arrest was made without injury.
Police remained at the address until 8.45am and collected evidence.
A Millicent tow-truck operator was summoned to collect an early model sedan from the property as part of the evidence-gathering process.
Although loud noises were heard by neighbours during the tasking, police have stated that no firearms had been discharged.
Limestone Coast Police Local Service Area operations manager Inspector Campbell Hill said some loud noises may have been heard during the arrest.
“It is satisfying to have this person in custody after ongoing investigations and reinforces our commitment to keeping the community safe,” he said.
The man was refused bail and was due to appear at the Mount Gambier Magistrates Court yesterday afternoon.
Millicent High School business manager Peter Duncan said the police operation caused no disruption to the activities of either staff or students.
According to Mr Duncan, the tasking had been completed before students arrived to begin their lessons.
Meanwhile, Lynton and Lorraine Bond have lived nearby on Mount Burr Road for the past 11 years and heard the loud noises.
“We were in bed when we heard loud bangs at about 7.30am,” Mr Bond said.
“There were three or four raps and then it went quiet again.
“The sound could have been gunshots or could have been made by someone banging on a fence.
“I looked out into our backyard to see if anything was happening there.”
He said the occupants of the nearby house in question were not known to them.