THE wheels are in motion for the Mount Gambier Toy Run with just over a month before dozens of toy-laden vehicles hit Limestone Coast roads to support children in need.
Native Sons Mount Gambier motorcycle club representative Ty Davies said the toy run, scheduled for November 30, allowed the organisation to give back to the community while decreasing the stigma associated with motorcyclists.
Baptist Care SA will host this year’s popular community event, which will directly benefit Limestone Coast children through the delivery of Christmas gifts to families in need.
Mr Davies first became involved in the event last year after being approached by past event organiser Jeremy Young.
“We jumped on board without hesitation as we saw it as a great cause,” Mr Davies said.
“I am involved as I see this not-for-profit event is more beneficial for the lower income earners and families.
“It is just one unique way of giving back to the community.”
Mr Davies said the event provided support for many family dynamics, including single-parent families.
“I grew up in a single (parent) family so my mum made many sacrifices for what we had,” he said.
“This event provides opportunity for me to help other parents make sure they do not have to sacrifice as much as what she did.”
Mr Davies said when he first became involved in the event organisation, he wanted the club to distribute the toys directly to the children.
“I wanted to know they were going to the people who needed it most,” he said.
“Members and myself do not get anything out of the involvement other than watching the kids when they receive the present.
“It is about watching the toys being offloaded from the trailer and giving them to the kids.”
Mr Davies said while he was part of the worldwide motorcycle club, he had a passion for both cars and motorcycles.
“We should face the fact motorcycle clubs have been given a bad representation in the past and this helps show the public we are not all bad,” he said.
“My passion stems from previously owning my own car wrecker business.
“I think the event has definitely become bigger since cars were introduced as it has broadened the catering audience.”
Mr Davies said he had already seen his passion being passed down to his son Michael and granddaughter Nkirra.
“Nkirra donated a whole bag full of toys to the event last year,” he said.
“Recently I was talking about the run and she went out and rounded up another bag for this year.
“She told me they were for kids who did not have toys so I hope similar circumstances have been reflected in other households.”
With last year’s numbers the biggest recorded at the event, Mr Davies hoped this year would be bigger and better than ever.
“We are hoping we will exceed last year’s mark and are hoping for around 500 participants,” he said.
“We are hoping if people are unable to go on the toy run they will attend the after event and show their support.
“This year’s festivities will run like a family-day market with stalls, live music, activities and much more.”
Last year over 1000 disadvantaged children and young people received a special gift through the toy run.
On November 30, participants will meet at the Naracoorte Soccer Club and Sports Centre for an expected 10am departure, arriving at Shell Penola Roadhouse before departing for Mount Gambier at 11.15am.
Festivities will continue at the rail lands from 1pm.
Additional runs will depart from the Millicent Skate Park at 8am and Mount Gambier’s old Bunnings site at 10.15am to join with the main run.
Contact John Merrett on jmerrett@baptistcaresa.org.au to support the event.
Donations of toys and gift vouchers can be delivered to Baptist Care Mount Gambier, Millicent Toyota, Shell Penol