THERE is a tangible sign in Millicent the festive season is approaching
The annual count-down to Christmas has appeared on the window of a Millicent shop.
A colourful painted picture of Santa Claus on the side window of Toy Kingdom reminds all that it is now only 14 weeks to Christmas.
Proprietors Bill and Helen Davis have relied on the skill of Millicent signwriter Ken Bebbington to promote the festive season ever since they took over the Davenport Street store in 1988.
The ever-changing numbers attract plenty of attention in this busy commercial precinct.
“Helen gets ideas for the window display from Christmas greeting cards, we show them to Ken and he shows his flair,” Mr Davis said.
“We do it for the kids.
“It is great to have a local bloke to service the town with his fantastic free-hand art.”
Mr Bebbington has painted Christmas promotional pictures at dozens of Millicent businesses, including The South Eastern Times, over the past 30 years or so.
Due to his recent chequered health, his output has been reduced.
Meanwhile, another Christmas event is currently being staged by the Millicent Business Community Association.
The Millicent Lights Up competition has been re-invigorated with significant cash prizes for decorated homes and businesses.
Entries must be lodged with South East Property Sales and Management by November 23.
This coincides with the Millicent Lights Up party and the Great Vic Bike Ride.