A TRIO of schools joined together for a game of touch football last week, with Penola High School oval a hive of activity.
The annual Feeder Schools Sports Carnival was held last Thursday with this year’s line markings set up for the second time ready for touch football, a welcome variation to the traditional soccer carnival.
This year saw Penola Primary School, Kalangadoo Primary School and Nangwarry Primary School joining together on the field.
Despite cooler weather leading up to the day the sun shone with a slight breeze as students split into seven teams.
Year 9 and 10 sports students who are currently studying a unit on Sport Organisation turned into coaches, honing in their umpiring, coaching and managing skills.
Before the games officially began the coaches and their teams participated in training sessions with students learning how to stay within their lines and move the ball across the field.
Team members from across the games showed great driving and impressive tries with smiles all around showing the day to be a great success.
Each student who participated received a certificate to recognise their efforts.