THE keys to an orange fury Ford Mustang are still up for grabs with just over two weeks remaining in the major FoodBank Mount Gambier fundraiser.
While the Mustang Raffle will put the lucky winner in the driver’s seat of a 2018 GT Fastback 5.0L V8, valued at $70,000, more importantly it will help secure the Foodbank branch’s future and allow it to expand its service.
Foodbank Mount Gambier branch manager Lynne Neshoda said the raffle, launched in February, kick-started a three-year fundraising plan to help the branch purchase its current Cave Road premises.
Ms Neshoda said the lease arrangement placed extra financial pressure on the organisation and limited opportunity for expansion.
“We want to purchase the Cave Road premise to help secure the future of the branch,” she said.
“We have many people in need in our area which it is what it all comes back to in the end.
“We are a not-for-profit organisation which helps vulnerable community members who need support.”
Ms Neshoda said the branch had been overwhelmed with a need for fresh fruit and vegetables with the weekly supplies from Pooraka Markets continuing to grow.
“Our branch has more than doubled its output during the past 18 months and we are still continually growing,” she said.
“This year alone we have distributed over 168,000kg of food supplies and we are desperate to expand our cool room and freezer.
“There seems to be a growing need in particular for fruit and veg and sometimes we do not have room to store it.”
Ms Neshoda said there was more warehouse space at the back of the premises which could be used once it was purchased.
“By owning the building we are then able to complete the necessary upgrades,” Ms Neshoda said.
“It can be tough on the volunteers and staff as we have to continually have to move things around and re-stack pallets.”
Ms Neshoda said she was happy with the fundraiser’s progress.
“The way we are going we will hopefully have the building secured by Christmas,” she said.
“We have received generous donations from businesses and community members which have made a significant impact.
“We are well on our way to reaching our $360,000 target.”
Ms Neshoda thanked the Barry Maney Group – an avid supporter over the years – for its help with the Mustang lottery.
“We really need everyone to dig deep during the next fortnight,” she said.
“I obviously would like to also thank everybody who has already bought a ticket.”
The raffle closes September 30 at 5pm and will be drawn on October 14.
Call Lynne on 8723 0287 to purchase a ticket, or they are available for purchase at FoodBank Mount Gambier, Barry Maney Group, Green Triangle Electronics, Redgum Country, Baxter Hire and Versace Home
Only 1900 tickets are available at at $100 each.