A UNITED industry voice is key to the future of Australian dairy, a targeted national survey has found.
The Australia Dairy Plan is currently being shaped to guide the industry for the next five years and beyond following consultation with over 1000 farmers, service providers, processors, retailers, investors and other key stakeholders.
Mount Gambier hosted a consultation workshop early last month, which was one of over 20 sessions held around the country from May to July, complemented by online forums and one-on-one interviews.
Chaired by John Brumby, Australian Dairy Plan consultation identified an overwhelming need for industry bodies to change their practices – with a clear aim to have a stronger, more united voice which considers structures that make advocacy more effective.
More emphasis and industry investment was also highlighted as a “need” for the industry to promote the benefits of dairy.
Many contributors also reinforced the importance of addressing social licence and environmental issues in best positioning the industry in a world of increased consumer scrutiny, choice and competition.
Challenges around attraction to the industry were also voiced, noting a need to do a better job of presenting what a successful career in dairy looks like, the many career pathways and the opportunity to build skills essential to dairy farming and manufacturing.
The workshops also recognised the increasing complexity in running dairy businesses, with greater risk and volatility.
Australian Dairy Farmers president Terry Richardson – who also chairs the Australian Dairy Industry Council – said it was time to act on the feedback.
“Input at workshops has reinforced some big challenges for dairy and we need to now move forward and take steps to prioritise and establish options on how to address these,” Mr Richardson said.
Dairy Australia chairman Jeff Odgers said the input was key to inform where the industry needs to head.
“The contribution of farmers, processors and all of industry will inform the creation of the roadmap towards a dairy industry that is more profitable across the supply chain, more confident about competing at a local and global level and more united,” Mr Odgers said.
A national Dairy Plan workshop will be held on July 30 and 31 will bring together a representative group of leaders from across the country to review themes from the broader industry consultation workshops, along with other key inputs and expert opinions.
Priorities and the approach to addressing these challenges will also be discussed to help develop the plan.
Visit www.dairyplan.com.au to contribute to the plan.