A FOCUS on skilled staff has landed the Boandik aged care facility in the state spotlight, named a finalist in the South Australian Training Awards.
The Mount Gambier-based not-for-profit will contest the large employer of the year award, with junior staff member Maddie Potter also in contention for the school-based apprentice of the year.
Employing around 450 staff, Boandik’s footprint over the last six decades has grown in the community, with chief executive Gillian McGinty revealing the organisation now has an annual wage bill of around $20m.
Ms McGinty said Boandik was proud to be nominated for the award, which was a first for the facility.
“It is really exciting for Boandik to be recognised as a leader in the state,” she said.
“We have a huge focus on training for our staff and are always looking for ways to better our skills.
“It is so important to us as an organisation to continue our education wherever possible so to be recognised for what we do is great.”
School-based apprentice Maddie Potter’s nomination follows her receiving the South East Secondary Schools Training Awards rising star accolade earlier this year.
Ms Potter is currently completing her final year of high school while working at the aged care facility.
Conceding juggling school and work life had its challenges, Ms Potter said the support she has received from Boandik was instrumental in keeping her focussed on her goal.
“It was hard to start off with, especially when I was doing exams and things, but whenever I needed some time to focus on school or felt overwhelmed I just told Boandik and they were more than happy to help me out,” she said.
“They have been so great with me ever since I started here, I cannot thank them enough for their support and dedication to training.”
Ms Potter grew up watching her mother work as a nurse and took an interest, but it was not until she volunteered at Boandik in Year 10 that she realised it was her true calling.
“My first day volunteering I knew this was what I wanted to do,” she said.
“It is such a great feeling helping people out and I want to do it every day.”
Currently training to become a personal care assistant, Ms Potter hopes to also complete her nursing degree while continuing to work at the facility.
This ambition is something Ms McGinty backs, stating Boandik has a commitment to furthering its staff’s training at all times.
“We fully support our staff in whatever career path they choose to take,” she said.
“Maddie will be able to complete her nursing while working with us and once finished she can continue her career through Boandik.
“We also have scholarships for those who want to complete tertiary education like nursing and Maddie will be able to apply for one of those if she wishes.”
The pair will head to Adelaide in September along with a table full of Boandik employees and supporters where the winners will be announced.
Winners will then represent South Australia at the Australian Training Awards in Brisbane on November 21.