SOUTH East swimmers are set to benefit from upgrades to Mount Gambier’s Olympic-sized pool, bringing the facility into line with national competitive standards.
Welcoming the announcement, Blue Lake Y Swim Club head coach Jamie MacDonald said the upgrade would also allow the city to host high-level competitions.
“This upgrade will provide a better facility to not only host competitions but also practice competition expectations,” Mr MacDonald said.
“With increased depths we will be able to practice proper racing starts as well as diving and other depth sensitive swimming activities.
“We will also now be able to utilise the whole pool rather than just the deep end.”
It is expected the updated Margaret Street facilities will enable the club to apply for regional and state level competitions to be hosted in the Blue Lake city with facilities similar to what is offered in metropolitan areas.
With only three or four swimming competitions being held in Mount Gambier each year, Mr MacDonald said the club would be able to host bigger and better competitions, attracting swimmers from around the state.
“With the plans for the community and recreation hub, along with these upgrades, it will increase our bids for more competitions including both long and short course championships,” he said.
“We may also bid to host events that are currently only held in Adelaide as they are the only ones who have the facilities needed.”
Diving blocks are also on the wish-list for the club with the current equipment deemed unsustainable for future competitions.
“We are also hoping for new diving blocks that can be bolted and unbolted both inside and outside,” Mr MacDonald said.
“The current diving blocks are as old as the pool and sometimes they do slip while competitors are using them.
“We can prepare our kids for that but we cannot prepare others for it.”
Mount Gambier Aquatic Centre manager Peter Collins also noted the positive outcomes from the upgrades, adding work was happening behind the scenes in preparation for the Community and Recreation Hub.
“It has been great to see all of the behind the scenes things that are going on in preparation for the recreation hub,” Mr Collins said.
“People have been here on and off for weeks testing soil and doing what they need to do.
“But in regards to the upgrade of the outside pool, that will just be the icing on the cake as now my staff will be able to teach diving at all areas of the pool and restrictions will lessen greatly.”