Millicent cultural exchange

Tai Chi  TBW Newsgroup
MARTIAL ARTS: Chinese tourist, Boaming Fan, recently visited the Boneham Aged Care Services and provided a free Tai Chi demonstration to its residents. Picture: BROOKE LITTLEWOOD

Tai Chi  TBW Newsgroup
MARTIAL ARTS: Chinese tourist, Boaming Fan, recently visited the Boneham Aged Care Services and provided a free Tai Chi demonstration to its residents. Picture: BROOKE LITTLEWOOD

A PEACEFUL demonstration offered Millicent’s senior citizens with an insight into the healing power of martial arts through slow, controlled and low-impact movements.

Chinese tourist Boaming Fan visited Boneham Aged Care Services recently to showcase the ancient practice of Tai Chi and its benefits to elderly residents.

The 69 year old, who speaks no English, is spending three months in the Limestone Coast visiting his daughter and former Beachport resident Sarah Barnett and wanted to share his experience.

Ms Barnett said her father had practiced Tai Chi for around six years and has noticed great improvement in his mental and physical health and well-being.

“Before dad started Tai Chi, he did not feel great,” she said.

“He had dizzy spells and had to take medication to maintain his daily activity as his joints often gave him great pain.

“This all changed when he started Tai Chi and after the first stage his joints and muscles began to strengthen.”

The martial art, which is proven to reduce falls in at-risk and older adults, is now a part of Mr Ban’s daily routine and he dedicates two hours a day to the practice.

He hoped by demonstrating Tai Chi to Boneham residents he would build community connection and meet like minded people with common interests.

“Dad is interested in providing some free entertainment to the local community,” she said.

“He thought the retirement village would be a fantastic place to do so and that people here might be interested in following, learning and understanding Tai Chi.

“It is more about exchanging similar experiences, not really teaching as such and he wanted to bring that to Millicent to see if anyone liked it.”

Anyone interested in hosting a free Tai Chi performance with Mr Ban can contact Ms Barnett on 0437 873 674.