Library embraces changing technology

Nintendo Switch  TBW Newsgroup
SWITCH IT UP: The Millicent Public Library has switched things up by offering a gaming space to users with a Nintendo Switch console. Cousins Zoe Ryan, Lacey and Mitch Sunderland, Tyler Ryan and Jed Sunderland challenged each other in a game of Mario Kart during the school holidays. Picture: BROOKE LITTLEWOOD

Nintendo Switch  TBW Newsgroup
SWITCH IT UP: The Millicent Public Library has switched things up by offering a gaming space to users with a Nintendo Switch console. Cousins Zoe Ryan, Lacey and Mitch Sunderland, Tyler Ryan and Jed Sunderland challenged each other in a game of Mario Kart during the school holidays. Picture: BROOKE LITTLEWOOD

THE Millicent Public Library has fast become much more than a quiet reading space, with its role constantly changing to meet the demands of the digital world according to manager Janice Nitschke.

From phone apps to robotics, virtual reality and video games, Ms Nitschke said both technology and the way the people use the library has evolved.

Ms Nitschke said the latest addition to the library was a a Nintendo Switch video game console, which can be used by multiple players as both a stationary and portable device.

She said the device had been popular with youth and encouraged more people to use the library as a community space.

“I thought it might be interesting to have a Nintendo Switch because it gives youth who come and visit the library as a group something to do,” Ms Nitschke said.

“They might play games or use the computers, but this is just another opportunity for them to engage in the library as a community space.

“Some people may not have a Switch or technology available at home, so it gives them the opportunity to enjoy it with their friends.

“I think there is an important role that libraries play as a community hub and space.”

The Switch will be made available during library opening hours and is set-up in front of the children’s section.

Ms Nitschke said the library would continue to keep up with the trends in technology by offering virtual and automatic reality in the near future.