Picture: J.L. “FRED” SMITH
“THE Fallen” were honoured when the Millicent sub-branch of the RSL staged a pre-Anzac Day service at the Sheoak Lodge aged care facility at Millicent Hospital.
The commemoration had elements of other services held around the nation at this time including prayers, Ode of Remembrance and a minute of silence.
It was attended by 35 residents, staff and RSL members.
It was the first official duty for newly-appointed Millicent RSL chaplain Pastor Paul Hales.
In past years, the service would be held on Anzac Day and led by Millicent Uniting Church lay preacher Ern Bentley and Millicent RSL vice-president Bruce Clayson.
With Mr Bentley now living in Adelaide and a general lack of manpower, the RSL decided to change the scheduled date.
Mr Clayson said the Sheoak Lodge staff appreciate the input of his organisation.
“They believe the RSL shows respect to those who served,” Mr Clayson said.
“We are not certain if there are any service veterans currently here at Sheoak Lodge but there might be.”
Sheoak Lodge nurse unit manager Cosi Greco said he welcomed the involvement of the Millicent RSL.
“It is an opportunity for staff and residents to reflect on the sacrifices made so we can enjoy the life we lead today.”