Wattle Range Council signs off on interpretive Coonawarra displays

COONAWARRA visitors will see some of the area’s history displayed along its terra rossa strip after Wattle Range Council gave its nod of approval to fund interpretive signage on 15 different locations.

Elected members supported a variation in the original $15,000 project scope of signs for Coonawarra to be used for the development of interpretive signs throughout the area.

During the development of the 2018/19 budget, council resolved to support a project to finance the Coonawarra Vignerons to design, manufacture and install a large scale pictoral signage on the Riddoch Highway to promote Coonawarra.

According to a staff report, the association requested the funding allocation be used to develop interpretive signage on 15 different locations along the length of the Coonawarra strip to mark and add to the visitor experience while in the area.

Coonawarra Vignerons Association executive officer Olivia James said the signage will help visitors self-navigate Coonawarra with information of historical significance.

“Now the funds have been allocated from Wattle Range we will begin the process of delivering the signage,” she said.

“We are grateful to have the support of Wattle Range Council with which our project will start to roll out.

“As we are still in the planning stages, there is still details to confirm, but once the project is under way we will have further information about where the signs will be located and what we will deliver.”

A council report said the signage will also cover biosecurity issues with a small detailed biosecurity notice attached to the plinth.

An amount of gravel will be placed at each site to keep visitors to a designated area.

The association will manage the project and develop consistent signage to sit on top of limestone plinths at each of the identified locations.

The project is expected to be completed within the existing financial year.