A BARREL of laughter will roll through the South East tonight when Ministry of Laughs presents its Fringe Mount Gambier showcase.
With the town embracing the artistic festival, various performances will be jotted across the city’s entertainment hubs this weekend as the major community event comes to an end.
Limestone Coast comedian Tim Rochow, who will feature in tonight’s event, said he could not believe the impact Fringe has had on the city.
“Everywhere I go I see the colour blue and Fringe Mount Gambier’s little snowflake-looking logo,” he said.
“Normally businesses are not so ecstatic about acts and shows but when I went around to put the Ministry of Laughs posters up owners were jumping at it.
“I think Fringe has definitely become bigger and better over the years and the town has really embraced it.”
Mr Rochow said tonight’s sold-out comedy event was just one way Fringe provided a stepping-stone for niche artists.
“In reality, anyone of any genre can be involved in this festival, performing any platform of entertainment,” he said.
“It gives people with talent an opportunity to showcase at a low-cost level which was once only available for professional companies.
“It is a soapbox for people to stand up, step forward and speak out.”
According to Mr Rochow, the festival covers a broad range of arts and gives emerging businesses an array of opportunities.
“Next year I am thinking about doing a one-person stand up comedy act because I just have the opportunity to do so and so does everyone else,” he said.
“We are getting new businesses all over town who are opening their doors and are emerging as hosts which is amazing to see.”
Mr Rochow said Ministry of Laughs provided an outlet similar to a sporting or hobby club in the region.
“I think Ministry of Laughs gives comedy a voice within the region,” he said.
“We are relatable for people because we have a lot of local themes coming through.
“If you were to present a show on quantum physics not many people would find it funny, but if you add aspects of the Marketplace, the Blue Lake, the Cave Gardens or railway lands it suddenly is more funnier.”
The group will also hold a comedy fundraising event at the Robe Institute tomorrow night.
Fringe Mount Gambier ambassador Louise Adams encouraged people to emerge themselves in the “amazing opportunities” over Fringe’s final days.
“This only happens once a year and it so great to see talented South East artists working seamlessly with visiting acts, giving them experience to show true talent,” she said.
“You can really see the pride forming in our region with the large crowd flocking to the main street at our Liftoff Street party and venues at full-capacity.
“We are just making it our own and bringing a wider variety of art into the region which can lead into many different areas.”