AUSTRALIA’S so-called “mowerman” Claude Harvey recently called into the Millicent office of The South Eastern Times as part of his latest fund-raising “push” across South Australia.
For the past 18 years, he has pushed a lawnmower around the nation as a charity stunt and raised $1.2m for the child protection organisation Bravehearts.
In doing so, the 73-year-old Gold Coast resident has also achieved a kind of celebrity status.
“I have twice been on the Today show pushing the mower across the Sydney Harbour Bridge,” Claude said.
After reading about the arrest of a paedophile for sexually assaulting a child in 2008, Mr Harvey became an active volunteer for Bravehearts, Australia’s only children’s charity dedicated to preventing child sexual assault.
“Although fundraising is a big part of my tours, raising awareness of this horrendous crime among as many communities as possible to help prevent child sexual assault, is my primary mission,” Mr Harvey said.
“If I can save just one child from this crime that harms one in five Australian children, I will have achieved what I have set out to do.”
Wattle Range Mayor Des Noll OAM said he and his wife Shari caught up with Claude for a coffee when he stayed at Penola.
Mr Noll saw the “mowerman” during his Millicent stop and donated $100 for Bravehearts on behalf of the council.
He commended Mr Harvey for his fundraising efforts.