RACING is set to return to the Millicent racecourse this weekend when runners tie up their laces and take on the track for a fun fitness event.
Hosted by the Millicent Runners Club, the event seeks to challenge people of all ages and abilities to run, walk or jog 1.6km around the course.
The event will put racing into the spotlight before the town’s annual horse racing meet, which will be held at Penola next weekend.
Millicent Mile organiser Lee Morgan said the run had “more of a health focus” as opposed to a competitive focus.
“We are not going to make it a super competitive run, it will mainly focus on people experiencing fitness,” he said.
“There will be a laid-back and casual atmosphere and people can walk or run the track.
“It will also give kids the opportunity to experience very mild competition.
“However, the big focus is simply to get moving.”
A number of local businesses and community groups have jumped on board and offered their support for the Millicent Mile including the Millicent Business Community Association (MBCA), Little Athletics, McArthur Park Kindergarten and the Millicent Racing Club.
Mr Morgan said the event was not only about fitness, but also provided an opportunity to promote the Millicent Cup and showcase what the town has to offer.
“This is great promotion for the cup,” he said.
“It is held a week out, which gives people the heads up that it is happening and also highlights our local course.
“The MBCA and the racing club sees the race course as an asset to the town and this is a way of encouraging the community to be aware of what is there.
“It is also is a great way to bring people into the town.”
Held this Sunday, the Millicent Mile starts at 11am with the under 15 girls and boys and will be followed by 11.20am under 50s male and female and 11.45am over 50s male and female.
While the track is 1.6km for each race, people can run further if they want.
Mr Morgan said times will be flexible and “will not be strict”.
The racecourse will offer a relaxed picnic atmosphere with light refreshments available including tea, coffee, cake and drinks, as well as a barbecue if people are feeling peckish after their race.
Music will keep competitors motivated throughout their events.
A gold coin donation is required to race and indemnity slips are required with entry forms, which are available from Denton’s Sportspower and also on the day.
All funds raised will go back into the community.