THE winner of the Fringe Festival window competition was announced yesterday with DJ Interiors taking home the prize.
DJ Interiors owner Christine Try said staff are “really excited the public is just as ecstatic” about their window design as they are.
“We hope that we have embraced the spirit of the Fringe Festival and are excited for it to launch,” Christine said.
“I would like to personally thank Tanya Bierwirth-Leigh for putting together the display and for her creative thinking.”
The winners won a double-pass to exclusive VIP for the Queen of Hearts courtyard during tonight’s Fringe Street Party.
Louise Adams congratulated the winners on their magnificent display, saying the “quality of the winner is reflective of how many amazing entries were in the overall standard”.
“The enthusiasm that I have seen around the town has blown me away,” Louise said.
“What it represents is the enthusiasm and excitement for the Fringe Festival and that it is a festival for everyone not just one business or audience member.
“This also shows the community being on board for such a great festival and gives me hope for a long-lasting festival.”