ALL ticket sales from a March 23 concert at the home of a Millicent GP will be donated to the South East Animal Welfare League in Mount Gambier.
Prominent musician Ed Kuepper will perform at the residence of Dr James Bushell.
Mr Kuepper is a guitarist, vocalist and songwriter who co-founded the punk band The Saints in 1973.
He is remembered by many for his appearances on ABC television’s Countdown.
Dr Bushell said he would be meeting all of the concert expenses out of his own pocket and hoped to sell 100 tickets.
“I made a phone call to SEAWL when I first got the idea for the Ed Kuepper show,” Dr Bushell said.
“They did talk about their rebuild plans as well as a few more urgent plans.
“They are a local organisation that provide an essential service that relies heavily on donations.”
The host said he was delighted to arrange the Ed Kuepper concert as he had earlier tried to secure him for a party to mark his 50th birthday.
Tickets – priced at $40 – can be purchased at the Medical Clinic Millicent.
Ticket holders will be advised of the starting time and venue.