Ukulele group to host picnic in the park

PARK PERFORMANCE: Karen Jackman, Annie Kilsby and Lydia Messenger are excited for the Penola Ukulele Group's combined music and social event.
PARK PERFORMANCE: Karen Jackman, Annie Kilsby and Lydia Messenger are excited for the Penola Ukulele Group’s combined music and social event.

THE Penola Ukulele Group will once again host a combined picnic and musical event in the region.

Scheduled for March 23, the musical showcase will be held on the Penola War Memorial Park lawns from 12pm.

Various guests and groups from across the region and beyond will descend on the community park to perform a variety of songs.

Song books will be available on the day, so there is no excuse not to get involved.

Concert goers are asked to bring a picnic blanket or chairs to settle in for an afternoon of entertainment.

The Penola Lions Club will operate a barbecue, while the Country Women’s Association will hold a cake stall and a mobile coffee van will be close by.

The Prince of Wales will also host a ukulele open mic session on March 22 from 7.30pm, with the Royal Oak hosting Jenny Allen from the Ukalalas and Jim Kornaat on March 23 from 7.30pm.

Various workshops are also being offered over that weekend for those keen to learn a variety of musical skills.

Visit UP Ukuleles in the Park on Facebook for further information.