ST Anthony’s Catholic Primary School has scrapped the single intake policy and now welcomes Reception students in the first and third terms.
Catholic schools fell in line with the public system when government schools switched to a single intake at the start of 2014.
The mid-year enrolment will enable children turning five between May 1 and October 31 to start school in third term and complete six terms of Reception, as opposed to four.
Meanwhile, children who turn five on or after November 1 will start Reception the following year.
St Anthony’s acting principal Suzanne Budd welcomed the changes and said they would benefit families.
“There has been a large body of research that mentioned the benefit of high quality early learning and care experiences for children in their first 1000 days of life and in the years before school,” she said.
“Many parents are wanting a mid-year intake for their child and in a changing world for families, we believe we need to be flexible and responsive to what they are asking for.
“It is our intention for students starting halfway through the year to spend six terms in Reception.
“However, every child will be considered from the perspective of what best meets their individual needs and, on occasion, this may result in children spending less than six terms in Reception.
“It is actually looking at that time as a period when the child is developing and developing rapidly, as we know and it is about providing what is right for that child and their development.”
The intake, is in addition to the regular intake at the start of the year – where students complete a full year in Reception.