DARTMOOR families are set to access subsidised childcare services thanks to the efforts of Glenelg Shire Council.
Council has secured a landmark fee subsidy arrangement for Dartmoor Children’s Centre following six months of negotiation with the Federal Government.
The agreement will provide significant fee reductions for eligible families within the area.
Glenelg Shire Mayor Anita Rank said it was a fantastic “win” for the Dartmoor community since the new Commonwealth Childcare Subsidy rules started in July last year, with council maximising an opportunity for the Dartmoor community to benefit.
“It has taken considerable negotiations to obtain the approval but the perseverance has well and truly paid off,” she said.
“The new fee arrangement will mean families using Dartmoor Children’s Centre are eligible for the same fee subsidies through Centrelink as those using our childcare centres in Portland and Casterton.”
Ms Rank said it was a great outcome which would help with long-term planning for the rural early learning centre.
“Council has been working closely with the Dartmoor community over the past three years on a business plan for the centre,” she said.
“The Dartmoor Childcare Planning Group, made up of school, parent, community and council representatives, are absolutely delighted the fee subsidy arrangement has been secured.
“The Dartmoor community will now be able to plan for affordable and viable education and care options.”
The centre will now be able to provide kindergarten and childcare programs thanks to the subsidy as of term two.
Families who wish to enrol their children in the programs are encouraged to contact the Children’s Services unit on (03) 5522 2211.