Creative writing workshop to help personal development

LIFE STORIES: Millicent library staff Carmel Tomlinson and Janice Nitschke AM look forward to the March 26 writing workshop. Picture:J.L. "FRED" SMITH

LIFE STORIES: Millicent library staff Carmel Tomlinson and Janice Nitschke AM look forward to the March 26 writing workshop. Picture:J.L. “FRED” SMITH

MILLICENT librarian Janice Nitschke AM believes writing and sharing life stories is an exercise in personal development.

“It provides insight and understanding and helps value our achievements,” Ms Nitschke said.

“Sharing stories is a positive way to build communities by developing mutual respect and understanding.

Millicent Public Library will host a practical workshop on March 26 in creative non-fiction writing suitable for almost any area of interest, memoir, family history, local history, personal essay, travel diary or feature article.

“A range of exercises and discussions progressively build upon each other.

“These start with planning and scoping the writing.

“Getting started can be the hardest part but it does not have to be, especially when the right side of the brain comes into play.

“The writer’s voice, finding an opening hook and sensory language get attention.

“Turning facts into a compelling story is at the heart of the workshop.”

Ms Nitschke said the workshop finishes with polishing and editing.

“The approach taken in this highly participatory workshop is that participants learn not just from the presenter Graeme Gibson but from and with each other.

“For this reason, both more and less experienced writers find the workshop satisfying.

“It’s also a democratic workshop, aiming to cater to individual needs.

“Participants get to make choices.

“The workshop is three hours in length, including a morning or afternoon tea and suits up to 20 participants.

“Workshop participants receive a concise and useful handout.

“People go home with ideas, enthusiasm, courage and a plan for the way ahead.”

Drawing on his background in adult learning and community development, Mr Gibson has presented writing workshops since 2007.

He has contributed to a number of short story collections, had essays and feature articles published and self-published.