MOUNT Gambier Chamber of Commerce has launched a business survey to gain a snapshot of the city’s commercial and retail landscape.
The survey was officially launched yesterday at the organisation’s first breakfast meeting for the year.
Business operators are urged to fill in the survey so the chamber can identify the issues and measures that are important to the vibrancy of the inner city business precinct.
The short survey – which can be filled out online – includes questions regarding the streetscape, condition of footpaths as well as whether tenanted buildings are well maintained.
Other questions canvass whether there are adequate carparking spaces and if vacant buildings have a negative economic impact on other businesses.
Antisocial behaviour, shoplifting, bag snatching, graffiti and police patrols are also topics in the business-focused questionnaire.
In particular, respondents are asked whether they would consider contributing a small amount to a CBD fund to address issues identified in the survey.
Chamber president Biddie Shearing – who launched the survey – said the body of work would facilitate the establishment of a CBD working group to drive the revitalisation of the city centre.
She said this initiative emerged from a presentation by retail consultant David West last year.
“The chamber has been working hard in the background to ensure the energy and momentum continues with this project,” Ms Shearing said.
Chamber board members Helen Strickland and Craig Bruins – who have been the driving force behind the business survey – urged operators to ensure they filled out the questionnaire.
She said the survey would canvass the business sector’s views on the CBD, not just the main street.
“We are seeking your opinion about whether the amenities, safety, promotion and marketing are good or needs some work,” Ms Strickland said.
“We are also looking for some feedback about the chamber.”
She urged people to fill out the survey by following the link on the chamber’s website or Facebook.
“Obviously, we want the survey back. It is really important to us that we get as many of the surveys back as possible so we get some valid and reliable data,” she said.
“We are delighted the Regional Development Australia Limestone Coast is going to help us with the administration around the survey.”
She said the survey was not arduous and would take under 10 minutes to complete.
“We really think the survey will give us valuable feedback and will forme the direction the committee, that will be formed, takes,” Ms Strickland said.
“There is not much point in us thinking that everybody thinks there is an issue with street lighting, when everybody says no there is not.
“Your opinion is really important to us and it is important that we have a very strong response.”
Meanwhile, Mr Bruins urged operators to give the survey “due diligence”.
“As tourism continues to grow and becomes such an important part of the economy of Mount Gambier, I feel this is really key that we establish a clear direction where we want to head with our CBD,” he said.
The survey is open all to business operators and interested people, not just chamber members.