THERE were 81 applications for Robe District Council chief executive position which is being vacated next month by Roger Sweetman after seven years in the role.
Mr Sweetman told council in December that he would be bringing his 43-year career in local government to a close as he had reached the age of 60.
Robe Mayor Alison Nunan told the February monthly council meeting on Tuesday of the significant interest in the vacancy.
“The consultant is in the process of short-listing with interviews scheduled for March 6 and 7 here in Robe with the elected members,” Ms Nunan said.
“The quality of applicants is extremely high and it will be a difficult task to separate them.”
The closing date for applications was January 18.
According to the job specification, the council is seeking to appoint an experienced, innovative and engaging chief executive who can work collaboratively with Mayor Nunan, the six other elected members and key stakeholders to lead the community on a pathway of sustained growth, economic development and environmental preservation.
The appointment process is being handled by the Local Government Association of SA.