ONE of Mount Gambier’s most iconic tourist attractions will become a beacon for fitness enthusiasts tomorrow morning.
Centenary Tower caretaker Ben Deering has teamed with Julie Denton to bring free yoga to the crater’s peak.
Ms Denton said the idea was sparked by Mr Deering’s regular attendance at her classes.
“One night her suggested he would love to have a yoga session up at the tower,” she said.
“I automatically thought it was a great idea and it had never occurred to me.
“My yoga is based on the natural world, seasons and the five elements of nature so it just made sense.”
Ms Denton has taught yoga for almost a decavwde as owner of ONE Yoga and Lifestyle and said she wanted to make the experience all about connecting with the community.
“You live here, you see the tower, but if you do not come up often you do not realise its true beauty,” she said.
“The yoga term Kula means a community of the heart and my focus in the next few weeks will be about bringing the community together.

“This activity is a freebie on Ben and I which we are gifting to the community.”
Mr Deering said the opportunity was simply a unique way to showcasing the views of the city.
“I do not know the physics behind it but there is just something about being up here for the sunrise,” he said.
“It is almost spiritual being on top of everything and watching it come up.”
Ms Denton hopes to get people up and ready to go for “the best part of the day.”
“We are wanting people to move with their breath and with their body,” she said.
“We will meet at the carpark for a 6.15am start and will ascend for the tower undergoing a silent meditation walk.
“The only noise around us will be us puffing.”
Ms Denton said at around 6.35am a simple yoga session will start.
“It will be achievable for any level of expertise.
“Everyone is welcome although we recommend you bring a mat or a towel with you.
“We are hoping it will go for an hour so we are thinking if people have other activities like the Mount Gambier Park Run then this can be their warm up.”
Ms Denton said herself and Ben understood that getting up early on the weekend was not for everyone.
“We have talked about doing a sunset session as well for the people who are not early risers,” she said.
“Keep an eye out for more information.”