THE nation’s peak scientific research body has begun a sweeping investigation into the possibility of reinvigorating the Limestone Coast’s mothballed freight rail corridors.
The study – delivered by the CSIRO – will focus on the region’s freight road network and idle rail corridors.
Stage one of the study – spearheaded by Regional Development Australia Limestone Coast – will canvass whether investment in the transport network can drive productivity.
The transport probe is considered significant given Mount Gambier is one of only three of the nation’s top 50 regional centres with no rail linkage.
While this ground-breaking study will only focus on freight opportunity, RDA Limestone Coast officials are also in fledgling talks with Victorian councils over possible passenger rail opportunities.
The study will particularly assewss whether reinstating the rail lines from Mount Gambier to Heywood and Mount Gambier to Wolseley will reduce freight costs and save wear on the regional road network.
The investigation will also identify what roads need to be upgraded and the ideal location for cold storage facilities.
RDA Limestone Coast chair Peter Gandolfi – who unveiled the plans at Grant District Council this week – said the project would map the supply chains as well as estimating road and rail transport costs for regional commodities.
These commodities would include timber, wood chips, dairy products, livestock and crops.
While there had been much chatter in the community regarding rail, Mr Gandolfi said authorities had yet to quantity what the economic benefits would be.

“The study will look at resurrecting the rail lines from the eastern side of Mount Gambier to Heywood, which would put us on the national network and up to Ararat,” Mr Gandolfi told elected members.
“The data gathered from this study will provide an analysis of total and per tonne transport cost – and potential savings – by commodity and mode of transport, including rail,” Mr Gandolfi said.
“The study will be based on fact.”
The report will also highlight what was known as “pinch points”, which were areas where roads or bridges could benefit from an upgrade to allow for more efficient transport options on particular routes.
“This information will then guide decision makers and funding bodies to address critical areas that need upgrades,” the regional economic leader said.
Meanwhile, RDA investment attraction and infrastructure manager Dr Elizabeth Perkins yesterday welcomed the significant transport study.
“With local agricultural products travelling vast distances from farmgate to end market, we are talking about real savings for local producers if we reduce the percent of farm gate value taken up by transport costs,” Dr Perkins said.
“The data gained from this study will provide huge benefits to local producers, local, state and federal government. It will also identify prospects in our economy where new markets can be developed based on increased transport efficiencies.”
In coming months, RDA Limestone Coast and CSIRO researchers will work with stakeholders to gather data on the freight and transport task.
The study is expected to take around six months to complete.
Grant District chief executive officer David Singe welcomed the study into rail.
Mr Singe described the lack of rail connectivity as a “fundamental flaw” for the region.