CORELLAS are causing a nuisance at Tantanoola in the view of the majority of the town’s adult residents.
According to the 100 people who put their names on a petition, hundreds of the white-feathered birds are having an adverse impact on the environment and the livelihood of residents.
Their concerns about the species officially known as Little Corellas were detailed in a petition lodged at the January monthly meeting of Wattle Range Council.
“The Little Corellas cause a lot of stress and concern for residents from the loud screeching noises to the mess they create when stripping back trees,” the petitioners stated.
“In addition, large flocks of the corellas defecate around our public spaces and private properties causing potential health risk to the community.”
The petition listed several suggestions for corella control including lethal shooting, use of birds of prey such as falcons and electronic bird scaring devices.
Other possibilities were the use of laser lights and drones.
During discussion of the petition, development services director Steve Chapple said a public meeting was planned for Tantanoola to discuss the problem.
Mr Chapple said complaints about corellas had been received from Millicent and other parts of the council area.
Deputy mayor Glenn Brown asked Mr Chapple if there was anything of value in the control measures suggested by the petitioners.
In reply, Mr Chapple said a permit could be sought which allowed a maximum of 300 birds to be shot.
“Shooting is emotive,” Mr Chapple said.
Last week a planned cull of 30 corellas at a Mount Gambier school was cancelled after several residents spoke out against the practice.