LITTLE hands have been busily crafting creations in Port MacDonnell during the school holidays.
The Port MacDonnell Community Complex school holiday program has featured a diverse range of interactive activities this month.
The program schedule includes a weekly story time and baby bounce session every Tuesday at 10.30am, as well as craft activities on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
So far, the activities have included making pizza, pin-up boards, shell mobiles, lanterns, magnets, cupcakes and artistic paintings on canvas and masks.

Gearing up for the program’s final week, Monday’s slime-making workshop is already booked out.
However, the complex will host a door plaque making workshop on Wednesday and decoration of paper mache boxes on Friday.
The sessions run all day and do not require bookings, however resources are limited so first in will be first served.
The complex is open to the public seven days a week, Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm, Friday 9am to 8pm and 10am to 4pm on the weekend.
The complex will close on January 26 for Australia Day.