DOCTORS from the Medical Clinic Millicent are set to again be seen in the acute wards and accident and emergency department of Millicent and District Hospital.
The involvement of GPs from the Short Street practice ceased almost three years ago in March 2016.
At the time of the withdrawal of the clinic doctors, Country Health SA said the locum doctors arrangement would be “temporary”.
The International Medical Recruitment (IMR) agency began a four-year contract in September to provide medical staff for the hospital’s accident and emergency department and all in-patient services.
News of the clinic doctors renewed involvement was revealed at the January monthly Wattle Range Council meeting in Millicent on Tuesday.
It was addressed by South East Local Health Network chairman Grant King and Country Health SA South East regional director Ngaire Buchanan.
According to Ms Buchanan, there had recently been discussions involving Millicent Hospital executive officer and director of nursing Michelle de Wit and the Medical Clinic Millicent.
Ms Buchanan said this clinic did have the opportunity to apply for the locum contract awarded to IMR.
“They are welcome to join the locum roster and some doctors have indicated they will,” Ms Buchanan said.
Last month, Country Health SA stated former Medical Clinic Millicent partner Dr Trevor Burchall had joined the locum roster.
Although the Medical Clinic Millicent withdrew from the Millicent Hospital in 2016, its doctors have continued to provide medical services to the 60 aged residents at its adjoining Sheoak Lodge aged care facility.
There are currently only six doctors at the practice, a 30-year low, but three additional GPs will arrive next month.
The Medical Clinic Millicent has been approached for comment.