Windfarm moves forward with battery

NEW PROSPECTIVE OWNER: A Spanish company now wants to buy the new Lake Bonney $38.5m battery storage plant, 112 wind turbines and the other assets of Infigen Energy.

THE new $38m storage battery under construction at the Lake Bonney windfarm is set to store energy within a few months.

Construction is proceeding on schedule and it will be ready for use as early as April.

The Lake Bonney windfarm is owned by Infigen Energy and managing director Ross Rolfe gave an upbeat account when his company recently held its annual general meeting in Sydney.

Mr Rolfe said his company had committed $28m to the project.

“The business case for this investment was strengthened by our successful application for $10m in grant funding from the state and Commonwealth governments,” Mr Rolfe said.

“The project is currently under construction and is, at this stage, on time and on budget.

“We expect the battery to be fully commissioned by the fourth quarter of the 2018/19 financial year.

“This will enable us to contract, at least, a further 18MW of production from our Lake Bonney assets.”

The yearly forum also heard there had been no time lost to injuries at the Lake Bonney worksite for the past decade.