TAFE SA audit reveals positive findings

TAFE SA has received a positive final report from the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), with no sanctions applied to any of the 16 qualifications audited in 2018.

Across the entire report, just one minor technical matter was identified, which TAFE SA will rectify before training starts in 2019.

In communications following the audit, ASQA noted a marked improvement in quality since the 2017 audit.

Education Minister John Gardner said the findings represent a significant milestone in delivering a fresh start for TAFE.

“This report delivers a clean bill of health for TAFE SA and is a significant step in restoring the community’s confidence in the organisation,” Mr Gardner said.

“The Marshall Liberal Government is delivering a fresh start for TAFE, focused on meeting the needs of both South Australians seeking the skills they need to build their careers and the local industry that is seeking a skilled workforce.

“South Australians deserve a strong public training provider that sets a benchmark for quality in vocational education in the state.

“This is a very positive outcome for TAFE, which would not have been achieved without the dedication and commitment of staff across the organisation to implement a new quality framework in such a short period of time.

“Young people being offered placements at TAFE can now have full confidence they will receive the quality vocational training they deserve.”

Previous reviews, tabled in parliament earlier this year, highlighted serious concerns around the quality, leadership and strategic direction of TAFE.

“This is being turned around, with the new TAFE board overseeing a renewed focus on delivering high quality training that meets industry needs and leads to real jobs,” Mr Gardner said.

“TAFE SA’s continuous improvement program will ensure its education and training meets the rigorous standards of all regulatory bodies and the expectations of its students.”