Tall timbers to drive growth

NEW ROLE: Wendy Fennell of Fennell Forestry will chair the Forestry Industry Council of South Australia.

THE forest and forest products sector is set to benefit from a new South Australian Forest Industry Advisory Council to help drive the industry forward.

Primary Industries and Regional Development Minister Tim Whetstone said he was thrilled to deliver on the election commitment, which will bring together key industry stakeholders to provide advice to the State Government on further developing the forestry sector.

“This initiative aims to strengthen communication between government and industry, allowing stakeholders to discuss strategic policy issues and work towards common objectives,” Mr Whetstone said.

“The Forestry Industry Advisory Council of South Australia will play an important role in identifying how industry and government can create the right environment for business to thrive.

“The council – to be chaired by Wendy Fennell of Fennell Forestry – comprises captains of industry who will help drive our development agenda.

“Eleven representatives have been appointed, each bringing a very high level of industry knowledge and commercial responsibility.

“Through the council, we will maintain a strong working relationship with the Australian Forest Products Association and other industry stakeholders.

“This is an important step in achieving the industry target of doubling the economic value of the forest manufacturing industry by 2050.

“The council will also advise on other industry initiatives, including the opportunities and impediments for expansion of the state’s plantation estate and a sustainable and safe forestry and forest products industry