PENOLA residents filled Rymill Hall on Thursday for Mary Mackillop Memorial School’s annual end of year concert.
Over 150 people were present on the night with the hall “jam-packed” and only standing room available.
Starting at 6.30pm, the Reception and Year 1 class presented a nativity scene play symbolic of the birth of Jesus.
This was followed with the Year 2/3 class presenting the music-focused Little Red Rocking Hood.
The 4/5 class showcased its Wallawilly bully performance promoting a safer and friendly environment while at school.
Finally, the show was wrapped up with a World War I inspired musical presented by the 6/7 class.
This year, the class stole the show with hand-drawn backdrop sets recognising fallen soldiers from the war.
Sets were designed by students involving each aspect of World War I, including the kitchen and battlefield.
School principal Maureen Hanrahan said the concert allowed the Year 6/7 class to bring visual arts into their performances.
“The sets are part of the visual arts program where students designed ideas in their books before
being placed on the board,” she said.
“World War I has been a major part of study throughout the year.
“They were very keen to do something in the concert that involved the history of the war.”
Year 7 students visited Canberra earlier in the year, tying in with the performance.
“When the Year 7 students went to Canberra, they visited the War Memorial and researched background on the war,” Ms Hanrahan said.
“The students also researched ideas through the My Australian Story: Gallipoli website and other war-related novels.
“Design ideas were integrated throughout their visual art classes and they brainstormed what they thought was best.”
Year 7 student Mason worked with Year 6 student Toby to create their backdrop.
“We have been doing a lot of lessons surrounding war and what it was about,” Mason said.
“Earlier in the year, we read books about Gallipoli and Anzac biscuits, so some of our ideas for the set were from our research.
“The soldiers fought for us so we could have freedom in this country.”
The students said creating the play helped them to better understand the impact of war.
“Our teacher drew the outline of the drawing first and then we coloured them in with chalk,” Year 6 student Toby said.
“We just had a picture in our head.”
Year 6 student Alyssa was impressed with the final sets.
“To see what we started with and the outcome now is really rewarding,” she said.
“We all were given a part of the board for responsibility and discussed what colour to use.”
Both Toby and Alyssa are looking forward to being involved in the whole school end of year concert next year.