Pictures: J.L. “FRED” SMITH
AN ADVERSE weather forecast may have prompted a change of venue, but 120 singers and musicians from four Millicent and district schools still gave an entertaining performance on Wednesday morning.
They were due to gather at the Millicent Rotunda at 11am to perform “One Song”.
Due to grey skies and a forecast of rain, the possibility of damaging instruments was high and so the nearby RSL hall was used instead.
There was standing room only in the hall as a large crowd of well-wishers and family members was on hand.
Millicent High School music teacher Julianne Thomas compered the 30-minute mini-concert, which included the playing of the theme music from the Dr Who television show.

“We are here to show you what is happening with music in our schools,” Ms Thomas said.
“It is usually held around Australia on November 1, but Millicent schools are very busy and this is the date which suited.”
Millicent Choral Society life member Elsie Baird was impressed by the concert given by the junior singers and musicians.
“I thought it was marvellous,” Ms Baird said.
“If they stay singing, we will have a good choir in the future.”

One Song is the 2018 official song presented by Music Australia: Count Us In.
It was written by student songwriters and then distributed to participating schools, including Millicent High School and the primary schools at Mount Burr, Newbery Park and Millicent North.
The ensemble combined the Millicent High School band, violin and cello students from each school, as well as woodwind and brass instruments and a recorder group of 66 students from Millicent North.
There was also a choir from Newbery Park to support vocalists Drew Baker and Isabelle Thomas from Millicent High School.
The other organising teachers were instrumental music woodwind/brass teacher Sonja Gooding, instrumental music strings teacher Jane Van Eyk and Newbery Park music teacher Sarah Fewster.