MOUNT Gambier City Council has encouraged residents to seek information about the proposed $39.1m community and recreation hub in the lead-up to the release of a community postal survey later this month.
Council’s project team will hit the streets to present information at a variety of locations across the city and answer questions about the facility.
“The facility will be designed for year-round, multi-purpose community and recreation activities for people of all ages and abilities,” council chief executive Mark McShane said.
“We are encouraging people to find out more about what is proposed and ask any questions before they have their say in the postal vote.”
Concept plans, frequently asked questions and fact sheets outlining further details about the facilities and the capital and operating costs are available via the Have Your Say Mount Gambier website.
“Members of our community are the most important stakeholders in this project,” Mr McShane said.
“In the end, it is up to the community to decide if council proceeds with the proposal, so now is the time to find out more.”
Market research company Market Solutions has been appointed to conduct a postal survey of more than 19,000 electors within the city to gauge community support for or against the proposed facility.
The survey will be distributed late this month and be open for three weeks, closing on December 21.
“As of November 27 or 28, the envelopes will be mailed out,” community wellbeing general manager Barbara Cernovskis said.
“We are asking for people to be informed, whether you intend to vote yes or no – just make sure you know what you are voting for or against.
“We are doing everything we can to reach as many people as we can.
“The $15m earmarked by the Federal Government for the project is pending community endorsement.
“Voting packs will be in a stand-out blue colour and will include an information sheet, voting slip and return envelope.”
Voting slips will be mechanically processed and council expects to receive the results by mid-January.
“If the majority of the community votes yes, council will submit a full business case submission to the Federal Government by January 24,” Mr McShane said.
“If the community votes no, the project will not go ahead and the $15m in federal funds allocated to Mount Gambier specifically for the community and recreation hub will be rejected.”
Email city@mountgambier.sa.gov.au to arrange for the project team to visit your group or organisation.