SURVIVORS of suicide loss are invited to gather in Mount Gambier this week to recognise a loved one, demonstrate support and promote suicide prevention.
StandBy Response Service will be joined by Lifeline South East and Uniting Communities to offer a commemorative event on International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day.
The event will be held at the Reflective Garden at Vansittart Park tomorrow at 5.30pm, offering a safe and respectful space for people to reflect and remember their loved ones.
StandBy coordinator Tracey Wanganeen encouraged loss survivors to gather to find comfort and gain understanding while sharing stories of healing and hope.
“The event is a way to give people an opportunity to talk to others who have experienced a similar sort of loss, because people quite often feel alone with any grief, but particularly with suicide,” she said.
“It is a fairly simple gathering, but people are able to stay as long as they like and commemorate the lives of their loved ones.”
Ms Wanganeen also encouraged community members who had not experienced suicide loss to attend the event and show support.
“This year we would love to see people who may not have been personally touched by suicide at the event, but wanting to show their support,” she said.
“Having an event like this that acknowledges suicide is a good way to break down stigma.”
For further information contact Tracey Wanganeen via standby@unitingcommunities.org or on 0437 752 458.
Call Lifeline’s 24/7 crisis support or suicide prevention services on 131 114.