OUTGOING Robe Mayor Peter Riseley is seeking a fourth term as an elected member of the Robe District Council.
Mr Riseley previously served as a ward councillor at Robe from 2006-2010 and has been at the helm for almost eight years.
Following the retirement of William Peden as mayor in 2010 after one term in office, Mr Riseley defeated local teacher Jo Jo Spook in a two-way contest.
He was subsequently elected unopposed as mayor at the 2014 poll.
When nominations closed at noon on Tuesday, Mr Riseley was among the eight nominations for the six positions as an area councillor.
He told The South Eastern Times that his health concerns meant he could not commit the “120pc” that is required to be Mayor of Robe.
“I feel that I can contribute to the community as an area councillor,” Mr Riseley said.
“I will support the new mayor and council.
“I would love to see more done at Robe in the areas of retirement living and aged care as this is unfinished business.
“We have had some workshops about this.
“Council has Casuarina Lodge, but this is getting old.”
Another area of concern for Mr Riseley is a second access road into Robe.
“The council bought some land for this purpose a while ago when Bill Hinder was chief executive officer, but the current council decided not to go ahead with it,” he said.
“However, the bushfire risks are still there and not getting any less.
“There are still impacts of climate change to consider.
“We have to deal with coastal erosion as do other councils and places like Miami are spending millions per day on it.”
Mr Riseley said it had been a huge honour to be Robe mayor and he had enjoyed his time in the role and as council’s representative on the Limestone Coast Local Government Association.
Among the high points were the renovations to the Robe Medical Centre and the extension of the community paramedic scheme.
“This was a brilliant outcome and came with community support through social media, petitions and meetings and the help of MPs Nick McBride and Tony Pasin.”
He said there was a healthy democracy at Robe and he commended the candidates at the coming election for having the courage and fortitude to stand.
“I wish them all the best in their endeavours,” he said.
“There is no complacency at Robe and there will be a good turn-out.
Originally with the Royal Australian Navy, much of Mr Riseley’s subsequent working life has been spent as a professional fisherman.
He has been actively involved with various government committees relating to fishing, coastal management and the environment.
Mr Riseley has been the local government representative on the South East Natural Resources Management Board.