ONGOING efforts to return the maximum speed limit on the Robe/Claywells Road to 110kph are being made by member for MacKillop Nick McBride.
He told The South Eastern Times he had passed on the concerns of the MacKillop electorate to Police and Emergency Services Minister Corey Wingard and Transport Minister Stephan Knoll.
“My electorate office has sent off letters,” Mr McBride said.
“We are struggling to get the speed limit lifted to 110kph as the Robe/Claywells Road is in a bad condition and an upgrade is needed.
“The Princes Highway between Meningie and Salt Creek had its speed limit reduced to 100kph several years ago due to its condition.
“It has been upgraded with shoulder sealing done and passing lanes built, but the speed limit remains at 100kph.
“I think the community will trade off a 110kph speed limit on the Robe/Claywells Road if they are aware of the condition of the road with signage advising of narrow and undulating sections and slippery areas when wet.
“The (previous Labor) government acted in a knowingly mischievous way three or four months before the election by reducing the Robe/Claywells Road speed limit to 100kph.
“It wanted to force the hand of the (new) government.”