BUSINESSMAN and community leader Ben Hood will contest one of the eight elected member positions on Mount Gambier City Council when ratepayers head to the polls in November.
One half of the creative duo behind George the Farmer and Hello Friday, Mr Hood is currently vice president of the Mount Gambier Chamber of Commerce and volunteers for a number of not-for-profit groups.
He said it was his passion for community service that prompted him to run for a coveted civic position.
“Ever since my wife Elle and I moved to Mount Gambier, we have fallen in love with the city,” Mr Hood told The Border Watch yesterday.
“Through my businesses and personally I have done a lot of pro bono and volunteer work and that community service prompted me to run for council to continue to service the community.”
Mr Hood said he was excited about the city’s future and – if elected – looked forward to his involvement in strategic planning, particularly in the realms of commerce, culture and the social economy.
“As a business owner myself, I hope to foster an environment for industry and business to flourish and innovate,” he said.
“I would love the opportunity to be involved in council’s strategic planning and hope to bring fresh, vibrant energy to council.
“I will be as transparent and available as possible to ratepayers and the community.
“I know voting is not compulsory, but I urge everyone to be involved in the democratic process and vote for the candidates that will best represent them for the next four years.”
Nominations to stand for South Australian councils as a councillor or mayor open on September 4 and close at noon on September 18.
Following a two-month campaign period, voting will close at 5pm on Friday, November 9, and the count will take place on Saturday, November 10.
There are no costs or nomination fees associated with running for council.