A MOUNT Gambier elected member says he is “disgusted” pet owners are allowing their dogs to roam freely around the city’s cemetery without cleaning up after them.
This follows bereaved Mount Gambier mother Marita Furuncu – whose daughter sadly died in August 2016 – expressing her outrage people were allowing their dogs to defecate on and around gravesites.
“I just wish, like so many others who have lost loved ones, people would show some respect for people’s place of rest and keep your dogs on a lead,” Ms Furuncu told The Border Watch.
“We often visit as a family to spend time there to feel closer to her.”
But instead of having a peaceful moment, she said she had been “blown away” by the actions of some dog owners.
“I am not asking for dogs not to be allowed, but I am asking for people to have more respect for those we have lost and have more control over their dogs while there,” Ms Furuncu said.
Ms Furuncu – who has even called police about the matter – has called for action from authorities given she has witnessed multiple incidents at the cemetery.
Mount Gambier City Council’s Councillor Ian Von Stanke – who was a former member of the now defunct Carinya Gardens Cemetery Trust – said he was “disgusted” by the behaviour some dog owners have exhibited.
“I must remind everyone they are in fact breaking the law when they have their animals uncontrolled in public areas,” Cr Von Stanke said.
“We have a dog park not far from Carinya Gardens where dogs are allowed to run around as much as they please.
“Carinya Gardens is a sacred place for a lot of members of our community and a high level of respect should be held whilst there.”
Following the matter being raised, Mount Gambier City Council has now pledged to place signs around the cemetery stating dogs must be on leashes at all times, in addition to the placement of bags to pick up after dogs.
Dog owners face a hefty $210 fine if dogs are caught without a leash in public spaces, as well as fees for failing to clean up after dogs.
Council designated off-lead areas include Corriedale Park, Hastings Cunningham Reserve, Northumberland Reserve, Frew Park and Don McDonnell Reserve.