AROUND 300 South East residents warmed up with a hot cup of tea at a major fundraising event yesterday to raise money for cancer research and support services.
Lois Bayre’s 19th annual Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea at the Italo Australian Club marked the 25th anniversary for Cancer Council SA.
Guests enjoyed scones and a Devonshire tea, a Redgum Country fashion parade and heard from guest speaker Janine Barelds about self-care and compassion.
A pop-up shop from Shed 21 in Port MacDonnell sold clothes, shoes, jewellery and accessories and Pete’s trading table offered cakes and jams.
The morning tea featured auctions, raffles and lucky door prizes.
Ms Bayre said the event continued to grow each year as more generous locals donated their time and money to support Cancer Council SA.
“My sincere gratitude goes to the business houses of Mount Gambier, Naracoorte, Millicent and Port MacDonnell for their generous donations of gifts and vouchers,” she said.
“A huge thank you also to my wonderful volunteers who very kindly assist me for this day of fundraising.”
Raising over $118,000 to date, Ms Bayre said she hoped people would take time to reflect on the purpose of the event and its importance.
“Having been hosting this event for the past 19 years, I still have the passion to keep going knowing the money raised goes to Cancer Council SA as they get no government funding,” she said.
“I hope my guests had a special day, never losing sight of why they were there.”