A LOCAL apprentice plumber is ecstatic after receiving a substantial grant to assist with his employment study.
Mount Gambier man Brock Cameron was one of 10 selected applicants nationwide to receive the funds.
Brock was surprised when he received the phone call recently to let him know he had won a $3000 grant from Rheem Australia.
“When they first rang up, I thought they were kidding, because being down here in the country, you just do not expect things like this,” Brock said.
“It’s going to help massively with my TAFE, I’ll be doing my certificate four and masters, so it will help to get to Adelaide and pay for the courses.”
In the third year of his apprenticeship, Brock said he has grown in his short time in the industry.
“I have stepped up to the point of doing jobs by myself and my boss Matt Johns has helped me out a lot over the past two and a half years,” he said.
“It’s great to have a good footing to launch off because he is a great plumber.”
Rheem Australia said Mr Johns’ review of Brock’s work was the thing that stood out when selecting people for the grants.
He described Brock as a valuable member of his team and highlighted his great work ethic.
“Brock has a work ethic that is not common among his generation and he is eager to learn and improve his skills,” Mr Johns said.
“He is 20 minutes early every day, goes beyond expectations, takes pride in his work and attracts positive customer feedback.”
Brock said he hoped to continue building his passion for the industry, with ambitions to own his own business in the future.
“Plumbing is a pretty important service to provide and it is pretty rewarding when you do a good job and your clients are happy,” Brock said.
“I cannot wait to complete my apprenticeship and learn more about the trade, before hopefully going out on my own at some point.”