COMMUNITY members with serious sporting injuries and neurological conditions could be provided with a space in the Blue Lake city to improve their health and wellbeing following a decision by the board of Boandik.
Consultation on the proposed $4.5m Boandik Community Wellbeing centre, including a hydrotherapy pool, is set to begin in May.
The project – which was given the green light by the board – is seen as a major win for the community following the collapse of the proposed hydrotherapy pool project at the Mount Gambier hospital more than 10 years ago.
Boandik’s leadership believes there continues to be a pressing need for a community hydrotherapy pool in Mount Gambier.
The current proposal outlines the construction of an 8 metre by 12 metre hydrotherapy pool, but this may change when a pool engineer is engaged.
It is hoped construction may start at the second half of this year if approvals and funding are cemented.
“We are moving forward with the project,” Boandik chief executive officer Gillian McGinty said yesterday.
“We aim to enable people of all abilities to have access to facilities that will improve their health and wellbeing, the pool will be available to the Limestone Coast community.”
It is envisaged the two-storey building will house a hydrotherapy pool, gymnasium and community activity areas at street level and community offices on the top level.
“Consultation with the community surrounding the site will start in May,” Ms McGinty said.
She said an architect had prepared concept plans for a community wellbeing centre, which had been accepted by the Boandik board of directors.
With money still needed to get this project off the ground, Boandik is now seeking donations and partners to join in making the project happen.
“As a not-for-profit organisation, we rely heavily upon the generosity and support of other organisations, businesses and individuals to make large projects like this possible,” Ms McGinty said.
Boandik attracted a $150,000 grant through the “Fund My Neighbourhood” SA State Government scheme late last year for the project.
It is now awaiting news on the outcome of additional funding applications.
Ms McGinty said further contributions were now being sought from local businesses and organisations with partnership plans being developed to offer donors a reciprocal benefit.
The proposed centre will offer a hydrotherapy pool, a gym for people aged over 50 and community office spaces.
Ms McGinty said the community centre was designed around the hydrotherapy pool, which could provide great benefits to a variety of conditions.
These include arthritis, fibromyalgia, pre and post joint replacement surgery, sporting injuries, back pain, neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease, as well as rehabilitation following injury and surgery.
For further information on partnering with Boandik or becoming involved, contact Gail Bradley on email at gbradley@boandik.org.au or call 8725 7377.