THE Glenelg Estuary and Discovery Bay has been approved for listing as Victoria’s 12th Ramsar site – an international accolade that will help protect the important wetland into the future.
“This listing of this important site is great news for Victoria and will mean this wonderful sanctuary will be internationally recognised and protected for future generations,” Victorian Water Minister Lisa Neville said.
“We’re focused on improving the health of this magnificent wetland and its local wildlife and protecting our waterways and catchments.”
Glenelg Hopkin CMA chief executive officer Adam Bester welcomed the Australian Government’s endorsement of the nomination, claiming it places the wetlands and the region in the international spotlight.
“It has been a long process and the relationship formed between the community and agencies, Parks Victoria, Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation, DELWP and Nelson Coastcare have been instrumental to the success of this project,” he said.
“Over the next 12 months the CMA will be looking to undertake works to protect the environmental, social and economic values of the Ramsar site.
“This includes activities such as weed control and investigating options to upgrade recreational infrastructure such as the Simpsons Landing to provide all year access for anglers and boating.
“This will have benefits to the Nelson community and tourists to the site.”
The site meets five of the required Ramsar criteria by supporting unique wetlands, providing habitat for 95 birds, including 24 species that fly as far away as Russia and China, supporting threatened plants and animal species, along with supporting spawning grounds and nurseries for fish including black bream and estuary perch.
Nelson Coastcase initially proposed the Glenelg Estuary and Long Swamp at Discovery Bay be listed under the Ramsar Convention and approached Glenelg Hopkins CMA.
“I would also like to recognise Leila Huebner OAM who recently passed away,” Mr Bester said.
“Her passion and knowledge played a significant part in pushing this process through and gave the CMA a local face to link with this process.
“We hope that her family and the community celebrate this achievement as part of her legacy to the Nelson community.”