SUPPORT for the proposed multi-million dollar indoor/outdoor sports and recreation centre in Mount Gambier has continued with the petition gaining many signutures.
The committee spearheading the community engagement campaign had aimed to collect 20,000 signatures in 20 days when the petition was launched earlier this month.
“Petitions were circulated to businesses, sporting clubs and schools across the Limestone Coast and we are approaching 10,000 signatures total,” steering committee member Nathan Stratford said.
“With only five days to go we are short of the 20,000, which was a lofty goal, but there is a real buzz around town.
“Considering Mount Gambier’s population is around 25,000 that’s a significant number of people passionate about this type of facility.”
The petition will be presented to Mount Gambier City Council next Tuesday night, ahead of an initial expression of interest for federal funding due on April 30.
“This petition is to show council they have a social licence to pursue this project,” Mr Stratford said.
“Previously similar concepts have fallen down because council has not had the same level of community support.
“We see this as a huge opportunity for Mount Gambier and the region on an economic, social and cultural level.”
Mount Gambier City Council allocated $30,000 in this year’s budget to engage Simply Great Leisure (SGL) to prepare a feasibility study, concept plans, facility management options and a ratepayer impact report.
SGL will present council with the documentation by the end of June.
“Ultimately council will make the decision to forge ahead with this project or not,” Mr Stratford said yesterday.
“The steering committee is really happy with the number of signatures we have collected so far and we hope people will continue to show their support.”